Dating news sites
Should You Try Online Dating Sites?

Online dating has come a long way
With so many virtual matchmaking venues out there now, including Tinder, OkCupid, Match, and Plenty of Fish , singles who subscribe to Internet courtship are no longer confined to the stereotypes of being socially inept or a serial killer.
With a busy schedule of adulthood responsibilities and the fear of giving a complete stranger the cold approach, online dating offers some serious appeal. But is it for everyone? Let's discuss.
Are you married?
If the answer is "yes," then please refrain from using any of the mainstream dating sites. Stick to Ashley Madison if infidelity is your thing. Everyone else will just think you're a creep, including your soon-to-be-divorcing-you spouse.
Do you have kids?
For full-time single parents who would rather not resort to picking up strangers at mommy-and-me class, online dating can be an ideal method of courtship. Just make sure to be upfront about your familial ties, because whether you're passing off your son to look like a nephew or just a significantly younger sibling, the truth will have to come out eventually.
Are you just looking to make friends?
There are no friendships made through online dating. If someone says they are just looking for friendship on their dating profile, you can just assume that means one of three things: they're married, they're looking for a faux companion (think sugar mama/daddy or a beard), or they're looking to hook up but they're too much of a weasel to say it (you know what kind of buddy we're referring to).
Are you doing it too boost your self-esteem?
Well, strap on your seat belt and get ready for a bumpy ride. While the influx of messages in your dating inbox may be flattering (if not overwhelming) at first, be prepared to lose your sense of security and faith in all mankind within the first 10 minutes.
Are you trying to catfish someone?
Don't. Leave that poor idiot alone. If he or she is dumb enough to be catfished, then he or she is dumb enough to leave the gas on. You don't need to make that person's probably short life any worse.
On a scale of one to 10, how honest are you?
Sure, "curvy" and "athletic" are relative terms, but every truth has a breaking point. Better to have your date be pleasantly surprised than supremely disappointed if and when they finally meet you.
OkCupid experiments on its users

OkCupid has become famous for the studies on users’ behavior, giving single people insight into what can work best on a dating website, what their mates are thinking about and how to make effective their experience.
OkCupid released an experiment taking an entirely different approach. Rather than pulling data simply from members as they typically behave, they altered eDestiny. As a result, members' charted different courses on the website but for the better. Here is a look at the lessons:
If you believe you are a match, you have the best chance at love
For some time, OkCupid told singles who matched only 30 per cent that they’re actually 90 per cent compatible. Their chances of eCourting each other over four emails increased more than 17 per cent, proving that if you think you suit to one another, you’re more likely to become a match. Here is the thing -- online dating users get in their way a lot. More often than not, it is not the technology that is broken, but your mindset and approach. People say things like, "OkCupid does not work for me," but it always has everything to do with the emotional position rather than the site. When you shift the outlook from negativity to some things that are positive instead, your experience is the best.
When you focus on personality versus photos, you're more open to the possibilities
Selecting matches by themselves is one of things single people struggle with the most and pictures are a big reason for that. What we've noticed is that singles look for the reason to tell no to possible matches, not yes. The best way to overcome that is to be aware of your decision-making, instead of your head letting the heart lead. When you look at someone on a virtual paper in a stack of millions, it is easy to judge and forget that they’re person not merely a set of code. So though it is uncomfortable, say loud to yourself why you are saying yes to a possible match and why you are saying no. When you must give yourself a substantial reason for your choice, they are often different than expected -- and you will likely realize that you are taking your judgment too far.
The text of your profile still should be unique
You should be notable rather than mixed in, write something different and unique but yet absolutely authentic. When we watch the way single people view profiles, females in particular concentrate on text. In many cases, they will not write to a guy without at least quick viewing what they wrote. If you are expecting for more than just a hookup, do not make your trophy the reason for their "Hi." Fill the text of your profile with some commonness that could be a starter for conversation.
Dressing with care: Men’s habits

According the recent research, conducted by the independent group of scientists, about 33 per cent of men these days spend more than half an hour every day getting dressed up and smartening up in front of the mirror. Basically, this fact already gives enough opportunities for various companies specializing in producing health and personal care products for selling their goods to men.
But how do men treat such products? Or, in other words, which of the usual women’s products exactly are popular among men who are trying to take care of their appearance? That will be especially interesting if we take into consideration those men, who choose personal applying care products in order not to confine themselves to online dating at adult dating sites, but also arrange dates offline, looking perfectly?
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Get married to radical al Qaeda offshoot fighters

Office for prospective wives is opened by Islamic State insurgents
Islamic State militants have opened an office in northern Syria where widows and single women can register to get married to radical al Qaeda offshoot fighters, on Monday said a monitoring group.
The office in a town northeast of Aleppo city, al-Bab, records the addresses and names of the females so that Islamic State insurgents can go to the families and make a formal offer of marriage, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The Observatory that cited sources in Aleppo and al-Bab, is based in Britain and relies upon a network of people on the ground to report information in Syria. It wasn’t immediately possible to affirm the report independently.
There have been the previous reports of the militants forcing women or seeking wives to marry them in locations where the group has been active. Rami Abdurrahman, the Observatory's director, said that it was the first time he’d heard of the group setting up a formal office in order to register potential spouses.
Newest guide to women’s dating drawbacks

According to one of the recent surveys taken by one of the independent Internet analytical centers, women these days show striking stability in their behavior at the dates. Despite the fact that online communication via the adult dating sites smoothes the potential pitfalls for both genders, when it comes to dating in real life, a lot of women (about 66 per cent, to be exact) feel uneasy and get nervous about that. In its turn, this leads to making at least one or two of the following typical mistakes during the date.
Checking her cellphone messages/missed calls
Apart from mentioning that text messaging during the date is considered to be an impolite thing as such, woman who peers into the screen of her mobile communication device repeatedly during the date show her sense of insecurity in the first place, while she is supposed to have fun and get to know her date better. And the latter is a totally unattractive thing, if to be clear.
Letting the man make all the decisions
Frankly speaking, that is not among the worst things women do on the date, as a lot of man would actually like to take the lead and arrange all the necessary deals for the date themselves without anyone’s help… But still, sometimes it all can reach quite absurd lengths. Each time when some choice is to be done, it is no good to leave all the work to a man – it isn’t the perfect solution just because it can make a man think that a woman has no opinions at all. Believe that even controversial opinions are better than that.
Benefits of having orgasm once in a week

Are swinging couples healthier?
When you compare the sexual life of monogamous couples and swinging couples on the basis of these factors then you’ll find out that monogamous couple is less flexible than swingers in their sexual life. But before speaking about the level of orgasm’s enjoyment let’s consider the benefits by both types of couples because you should know these benefits for your knowledge.
•Heart diseases risk is reduced to a significant level of more than 35 percent to the persons having a orgasm frequently. Your sexual activities can increase the heart rate but it helps also in balancing your estrogen and testosterone levels which actually reduces the risk of having problems with heart. Lesser number of folks, with intensive sex life, are dying due to the heart attack.
•Person’s Immune system having an orgasm once per week gets grown up. The level of protecting antibodies in the body gets increased to defend them from germs, viruses and many other harmful intruders.
•The effect of some types of chronic pain is controlled due to an oftentimes orgasm. It’s been found that chronic leg and back pain is blocked by a vaginal stimulation. Reduction in arthritic pain, headache and menstrual cramps is noticed by many females who experience genital stimulation done by them.
Ban Way is speaking about online dating revolution

#Love: Virtually No Sex
Ben Way is an author, technologist, inventor, and entrepreneur. He has been involved with the matchmaking industry since 2001 when he was an advisor to and currently is the founder of
Sex. The human race is crazy about it. It’s even been suggested that every human achievement has been driven by our innate desire to mate.
There are two aspects of sex: the biological explosion of brain chemicals due to an orgasm and the emotional reward that we encounter through intimacy with another human being. There are already a range of tech products that aid orgasm, from adult online pornography to interactive vibrators and even the stimulation of nerves to achieve an orgasm at the touch of a button. I think the emotional component is the next frontier that technologies will disrupt.
I would love to say that this would affect both sexes equally but in reality both sexes are very different. Having been involved in the online dating industry for almost fifteen years, originally and now at my own company, I’ve seen first-hand the differences between the way men and woman approach sex.
New online dating platform

Austin dating website startup looks to become the “Über for matchmakers”
Call it the AirBnB or Über for matchmaking set. That is how John Salser describes his Austin startup dating website OnCrowdNine.
Rather than function like traditional websites such as OKCupid or, on which members create their profiles and search for dates among themselves, OnCrowdNine looks at dating online from another viewpoint by letting members post paid matchmaking “jobs” for matchmakers outside, anybody from the neighbor to the bona-fide professional matchmaker, to take on.
Salser, a former developer of software who got the spirit of entrepreneur after seeing colleagues going into digital space business, said that his company seeks to become a solution for the traditional dating websites on trend that sees female members bombarded with emails from hopeful suitors, but male users feeling stuck because of lower rates of interaction.
Pros and cons of playing Cupid

Playing Cupid: should you or shouldn’t
Do you like the idea of matchmaking two persons you feel in your bones that they are going to find common language? Are you one who creates big happiness for people who might have been searching for each other?
It is found that playing Cupid does in fact increase the sense of wellbeing. Amongst other new projects of research on dating, Harvard Business School came to the conclusion that matchmaking for the great happiness of the others makes you feel valuable and generous and increases your social networks.
Your friends who are single may be very happy with this – so, playing Cupid to those could have you charged of making inaccurate and uninvited assumptions. Otherwise, done with love and discretion, why would you not wish to make connections between those people who are able to bring a big reward to the lives of each other? The psychological benefits surely don't only apply to particular love matches - matching people such as your co-workers with similar skills, or mentoring the younger colleagues and introducing them to your social network, or linking a cousin of your friend with bridge club of your grandfather will all have the advantages of boosting your mood.
Online dating can lead to your love

Millions of people all over the world have already met their spouses through online dating. But what about those marriages of people, who met at more traditional places such as workplaces, bars, restaurants or parties? As it was revealed by the survey of about 20,000 Americans, marriages between those people who met on the web, are at least as stable and quite as well satisfying as those who met in the real world for the first time.
The origins
When dating online was only gaining widespread attention – and that was about a decade ago - a lot of people were either too sceptical about adult dating websites or considered them to be rather a creepy way to search for someone. But after the success of such dating websites as Match and OkCupid, online dating has quickly become a powerful industry and our today’s mainstream activity. John Cacioppo, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, Illinois, says he wonders how the online dating as such has so changed the family life of so many American people. And since enough time has already passed that millions of Americans who met online are now married, and a population is large enough, the conditions are ideal for quite traditional psychological survey techniques.