LargeFriends is an online dating site created to hold plus-size singles and their admirers. Prospective members can sign up absolutely free, but this will only give them limited browsing options; it is recommended that they upgrade to a Gold membership, giving them access to email and chat privileges and enhanced search options. The site's online form makes the onerous task of creating a personalized profile easy and quick, and there is also a form in which one can detail the sort of people and their traits which are sought in a potential match.
Members can see who is online and also who has been eyeing up their profile. Matches can be found nearby or far away in other countries by using the zip code or area locator search function. is a small but busy online dating site catering to a specific niche; we reckon there are roughly 19,000 people, both men and women, who actively involve themselves with the site, attracted by features which let them make quick and simple contact. They are also able to join other groups or members or create their own on the site, which gives LargeFriends as a whole a great sense of community and homeliness. People can chat with one another, ask advice and learn about online and offline events and happenings on the site’s forums.
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