Dating and love advice

Here’s How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
by Copy 990 Here’s How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

Let’s check out the specifics of how to make someone fall in love with you:


In study, conducted in Columbus, Ohio, in the 1950s, 431 couples who applied for marriage licenses were interviewed. It turned out that 54% of the couples were separated by a distance of 16 blocks or fewer when they first went out together, and 37% were separated by a distance of 5 blocks or fewer. The number of marriages decreased as the distance increased between the couples’ places of residence.


Love at first sight only happens in 11% of cases and it’s more common in men than women. By the same token, this means first impressions are huge because repeated exposure has a snowball effect.

Looking for romance? Then think about where you’re spending your time. What places do you go on a regular basis and do they contain the kind of people you want to date?


People like people who are nice and smart and funny and make them feel good and zzz... Yeah, of course.

Having a strong sense of who you are and a lot of self-confidence is a good predictor of whether you’re going to fall in love with anyone.


Emphasizing similarity when getting to know someone is always a good idea. It’s one of the key pillars of influence documented by persuasion expert Robert Cialdini.

The signs to recognize that your relationship is toxic
by Copy 11110 The signs to recognize that your relationship is toxic


Why is it, even though you are in a relationship–or even in love–still you feel so unsatisfied and unhappy with your partner? Maybe all you thought that you knew about relationship is wrong because when you are with your partner you do not feel romance, you do not feel butterflies in the stomach…what you feel is something more like nervousness. Here are 4 warning signs to recognize if you’ve got a toxic relationship.

1. The Criticizing

Criticism can be effective when a partner understand a problem the another person doesn’t notice. It is how work healthy relationships. But once a trouble ends the critique should so. With a criticizer everything another person does in a toxic relationship is a target, which can be attacked. This goes beyond a playful banter: the criticism is harsh overly and causes the real harm. Behind the chronic criticizer is an individual whose poor self-esteem leads to find mistakes of their partners due to their own insecurities.

Things men hate about dating women
by Copy 00056456 Things men hate about dating women

If you look into almost any of the glossy zines today, you will see dozens of dating advice and tips concerning the things women usually hate about men on a date, even when it concerns dating via romance dating sites. But wait a minute... what about men? Do you really think they consider everything to be just perfect about women they date? Here is the short list of things guys use to hate in women on a first date and probably all the next ones.


Despite the fact a lot of women think that make up is one of the most powerful weapons in their armory, it is (surprisingly!) not true in most cases. Yes, contrary to what seems to be, most men cannot stand make up, even when it is mild. Men use to appreciate the pure natural beauty and not the thick layer of disguise that’s hiding it.

Constant talking/interrogation as such

Well, women who are fond of talking everything that happened to them during the day that passed – even on and on and on – may be quite OK, but right to the moment when they start demanding the same thing from men – telling them everything about themselves and in every little detail. You know, there are certain things to be told about on a first/second/third date but when it all turns into some kind of interrogation – that’s a turnoff. Besides, keep in mind that some men simply do not like to talk much about their interests/hobbies/work, whatever. So don’t try to push on a man in order to find out something – he will tell you that when - and if – it is necessary.

Your first date: How to behave?
by Copy 001111 Your first date: How to behave?

3 Simple Tips to Avoid an Improper First Date

The most difficult part of dating online may be your first date, right? Jumping from the romantic dating online, in your comfortable bedroom, into meeting with a stranger in person is a terrifying thing. Even the experienced first-daters turn up to the date drenched in sweat and white as a sheet, but seconds away from are vomiting everywhere because of nervous terror. We have already explained how to improve the online dating and get a lot of dates. Now, you can also prevent the cold sweats and avoid awkward silence on first dates, by using these 3 simple tips.

Tips for online dating Asians
by Copy 453464 Tips for online dating Asians

Asian Dating: Advice For Online Dating

Sometimes it may be hard to find your perfect match. You may spend years dating unsuccessfully just because you aren’t meeting the right people. Dating isn’t easy and if you’ve spent your adult life looking for the perfect love and you still have not found them, then maybe it’s because you aren’t searching in the proper place. Right now dating through the Internet is huge and millions of users are utilizing the Internet to help find love. Continue reading to find some great advice for Asian online dating.

In order to get success it is very important that you locate the right dating site which suits your needs but with thousands of them it can be difficult. Run comparison searches, thus you can compare online dating websites, check out what sites have to offer and make sure to see the rate of the site so that you will get the best opportunity to find love on Asian dating websites.

Main cons and risks of the online dating sites
by Copy 113 Main cons and risks of the online dating sites

It is claimed almost everywhere online that today’s popular online dating sites can help you find your "perfect match." But it makes no matter how great it might sound to you. Of course, signing up for some dating site, you can get matched with other singles like you and acquire the wonderful opportunity to date online without even leaving your bedroom. Dating websites will let you find someone special – even if not for some serious commitment, then for an easy and enjoyable flirting. But at the same time there are enough of the various disadvantages and even risks of the online dating as such to be taken into consideration as well.

Some reasons to consider Sugar Daddy dating
by Copy 0074 Some reasons to consider Sugar Daddy dating

Five Good Reasons for Dating Sugar Daddy

An increasing percentage of women openly admit they prefer the company of older guys on a date. Today, Sugar Daddy is very different from his counterpart who lived in 20th Century and who wished to be more willing to keep such relationships totally private, enjoying concealed meetings at secretive places. Nowadays, an older guy wants display his younger date with pride.

There are 5 reasons why sugar daddy dating is more and more popular on the online dating scene.

Be prepared to date with a military single
by Copy 00764 Be prepared to date with a military single

Dating Military Singles

Military online dating websites are great for those singles who are interested in getting acquainted with like-minded singles or for people who admire uniform singles like pilots, policeman/woman, soldiers, and navy staff – to name some.

There is a huge group of population who want to be around military personnel, hopefully get married and have an organized and well-respected family. Military women and men in uniform show a certain maturity and poise that the people from the opposite sex admires in a better half.

Negative things in your profile make users pass over you
by Copy 000767 Negative things in your profile make users pass over you

Online dating tips are in abundance, but this one may well be the best one — be positive

Let's face it, no person likes a moaner. And no person wants to have a date with a moaner. So, why some folks try to put negative things on their online dating profiles on romance dating websites. It is just like no person will hire the office-cleaner who will not do windows, nobody wants dating a person who is express his/her negative feelings. Anyway not a normal person, that is! Unless this person is “emo” and searching for a partner to share the dark thoughts, so it is best to keep negative feelings out of the online dating profile.

There are people who do not even understand that they express negativity. Take this example of real-world where a guy on some online dating site, writing what he is “searching for”:

Professional guy is searching for an affectionate, attractive, emancipated and sane sexy woman.

Women’s mistakes that lead to men giving up relationships
by Copy 7636 Women’s mistakes that lead to men giving up relationships

Dating online at adult dating websites today provides a wide array of possibilities today but at the same time it may deprive you of some social skills, needed for building relationships in real life. Let’s make sure you still remember about how to prevent major problems with your relationships.

Grumpy cat syndrome

It takes position number one in the list of things people hate about women. One of the worst things of all is when a man has to hear, listen to and stand constant, never-ending flow of various knocking in his address. Nobody is probably as patient as Job to bear perpetual nagging, constant grumbling all day long, and seven days a week. So if that has already become a habit of yours, get rid of your grumpy expressing of your thoughts as soon as possible, until it becomes too late and the man you are planning to develop relationships with is going to escape from you and your bad mood read out aloud.